Alexandra Lowe

Alexandra is a currently studying for a Master of Music at the RNCM under the tuition of Sandra Dugdale, where she recently graduated with a First Class Bachelor of Music degree. Her course is generously funded by The Andrew Lloyd Webber Sarah Brightman Scholarship.

In recent years she has been awarded, the Joyce and Michael Kennedy Award for Singing Strauss (2015), the Bessie Cronshaw/Frost Brownson Song Cycle Prize (2015), the Alexander Young Song Prize (2014), the Oncken Song Prize (2013), the Elsie Thurston Song Prize (2012), the Joyce Budd Prize at the Kathleen Ferrier Young Singers Bursary (2012), and is a recipient of The Silver Medal at the Worshipful Company of Musicians.

Roles include Métella La Vie Parisienne, Mrs Coyle Owen Wingrave (British Youth Opera),  Fiordiligi Così fan tutte, Helena A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Rose Maurrant Street Scene, Sylvaine The Merry Widow (RNCM), Mabel Pirates of Penzance, Angelina Trial by Jury and Gianetta The Gondoliers (International G&S Festival). Opera scenes include Zerlina Don Giovanni, Leïla Les pêcheurs de perles (Clonter Opera), Louise Louise, Hélène de Solanges Véronique and Giulia La Scala di Seta (RNCM).

On the concert platform works include Messiah Handel, Requiem Fauré, The Armed Man Jenkins, Petite Messe Solenelle Rossini, Requiem Chilcott, Spirit of England Elgar, Requiem Mozart and Lilian Styles-Allen in Vaughan Williams’ Serenade to Music live on BBC Radio 3 with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. Solo concerts at Arts Festivals include, The Grassington Festival and the Edinburgh Festival.

Alexandra is proud to have raised over £30,000 for charity through a series of annual concerts. Most recently these have taken place at Chatsworth House and Bolton Abbey by kind permission of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. Some of the charities Alexandra has supported over the years include Macmillan Cancer Support, Help for Heroes, Music in Hospitals, Aiming High for Disabled Children, The Breast Cancer Haven (Leeds), Myeloma UK, Combat Stress, the Being Bel Trust, Harrogate Young Carers and The Boyle and Petyt (School) Foundation. Alexandra has also sung in concerts supported by Ambleside and Blackpool Rotary Clubs.

As a guest soloist she has performed alongside choirs such as Voices of the Valley, K Shoes Male Voice Choir and Blackpool Male Voice Choir as well as many other local choral societies.

Born in Mallorca, she began singing at the age of 13 when she became a prominent member of Centre Stage Productions (Palma). Here her roles included Nancy Oliver!, Sandy Grease, Cassie A Chorus Line, Fantine Les Miserables, Christine The Phantom of the Opera and further roles in Jesus Christ Super Star and Jekyll and Hyde. At the age of 16 Alexandra moved to the UK after receiving a scholarship to commence her classical training at the Junior RNCM. During this time Alexandra gained A-levels in both music and performing arts, as well as Spanish and English.

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